Project group
vegetable farming 2
Expert group
Agricultural practice
PFN networker
Svenja Neuling
Current projects
About the farm
The AigB is a diverse and small-scale collective farm of the municipality of Niederkaufungen. Our branches of business are seed cultivation, fruit processing, regenerative agriculture and agroforestry, animal husbandry, vegetable cultivation and farm shop. We cultivate 53 hectares of Bioland-certified agricultural land, of which approx. 20 hectares are arable land. The topics of humus formation, biodiversity and the responsible use of natural resources are particularly important to us. The Kaufunger Gemüsebaukollektiv cultivates around 2.5 ha of arable land. We market the vegetables via Solawi Kassel and the surrounding area together with the Wurzelwerke horticultural farm (270 shares), via our own farm shop and some regional organic shops.

We are part of the PFN because we ask ourselves what a diverse and smallholder agriculture suitable for grandchildren looks like in times of an escalating global crisis and what contribution we can make here.